Wednesday, 10 June 2009


Objects of the above titular description abound in this universe. But they tend to be more densely concentrated in the vicinity of an observer, especially an observer who blogs. This is called Artharaja's Principle of Freakification, named after the prototypical Arch-Freak Artharaja.

A FREAK may be triggered or untriggered. The most conspicuous benefit of triggered freakification is the ability to blame the trigger, when on the contrary in the case of most freaks, the trigger would more aptly be felicitated if it belonged to a loaded double-barreled shotgun.

On the other hand, untriggered freaks have the distinction of autogeniture sui generis.The probability of detecting a self-generated freak in any given location is is an exponential function of the ardency of the observer's desire to be unfreakified multiplied by Avogadro's number squared.

IN laymans terms;

P(x = FREAK) = ef(ψ.g(A0.∑y2)

This is the Second Law of Freakification. Complex numerical and analytical closed-form solutions to the above oscillating probabilistic function have partial differential coefficients that in an organisational context put freaks in every function.

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