Wednesday, 16 September 2009


Apologies to all my dear non-existent readers for the prolonged hiatussification of the phoolgobi. However said Gobi was rather recalcitrant when it came to cogitating up inane entries or posts for this forum, and no amount of caffeineification seemed to help. The Gobi will need to investigate the theory of muses in some detail to determine if dereliction of duty by these alleged companions of the gay Apollo is responsible for the dry spell of phoolgobification. If this is found to be the case, the said muses are likely to be slapped with a class action lawsuit seeking compensation for their dispensation with inspiration to the Gobi. Till such time, the non-existent readers are requested to bear with the Gobi as they have been bearing the Gobi, unbearable though it is. Mind it, I say, BEAR with the Gobi, not BARE with the Gobi, as some poltroons choose to word it.

Hopefully the termination of hiatussification will lead to frequent flaunting of foul fabrications on this forum, as has been the wont of the Gobi. It appears though that this may require the still recalcitrant and thoroughly uncooperative alleged companions of gay Apollo to be dragged kicking and screaming to aid the Gobi in spouting these digital emissions. Hopefully subsequent non-events will provide suitable muse-fodder. Till such time, so long, farewell, aufwiedersehen, good-bye!

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