Sunday, 25 October 2009

War of the Gobis V

Gobi No. 377, a.k.a. Gobi No. 420 seems to be suffering from BSE (Buffalo Spongiform Encephalopathy a.k.a., भूसा-भेज़ा-भैँसा) in addition to advertisia marketoma only the combined effects of two degenerative diseases of the central nervous system (a.k.a. hole-between-the-ears syndrome) can explain the said Gobi's truant behaviour that demonstrates Gobi No. 377 (a.k.a. Gobi No. 420, the erstwhile Gobi No. 1) is a demented erumma-maadu!

Nothing else can explain this irresponsible errant behaviour of wasting weeks of the ongoing War without joining battle with the gallant and noble Sir Gobi No. 2!!

The said pandri-headed Gobi No. 377 a.k.a Gobi No. 420 is instead wasting time recalling brands!! It had better be branded with red hot pandri-iron so that its recollection is not unduly impaired!



  1. Is CJD in humans, not BSE, unless you're subtly implying other Gobi is bovine. Which you might be

  2. @Chris: Indeed I am! Though not so much bovine as buffalonian!
